Within our own buddha nature we naturally have all the qualities of nirvana, so we do not need to look for them and take possession of them outside. Neither do we need to get rid of anything, because the obscurations that are temporarily veiling our realization of the absolute nature are not inherent to that absolute nature. So with this third wisdom, doubts are completely absent: there is no wondering, “Will I be able to achieve all those qualities?” or “Will I succeed in getting rid of all these defects?”

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
from the book Zurchungpa's Testament
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Further quotes from the book Zurchungpa's Testament:
- Free from the extreme of existence and that of nonexistence
- What a waste of time
- Like two expressions on the same face
- The moon’s reflection on water
- Perceiving everything in its natural purity
- Just as space
- Not fabricated, never stained
- Examine your actions very closely
- Spontaneous devotion to your teacher
- Just leave it like it is
- Projections of the mind
- Nothing else than the projection of one’s own mind
- When true realization dawns in one’s mind
- Recognizing awareness
- The even state of all-pervading peace
- Suitable vessels
- Superficial dharma practice
- Two great sources of fear in samsara
- All perceptions are similar to a dream