There is a saying: ‘Wholesome deeds performed with selfish aims are just like poisoned food.’ Poisoned food might look delicious and even taste good, but it quickly leads to certain death.
Thinking of an enemy as someone to be hated, thinking of a friend as someone to be loved, being jealous of others’ happiness and good fortune: all this is rooted in ego clinging. And wholesome actions, infiltrated by a clinging to the ‘I’ conceived as something real and solid, turn to poison. We should try to forsake all self-centeredness.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
from the book Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of the Seven-Point Mind Training
translated by Padmakara Translation Group
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book Enlightened Courage:
- Well rewarded
- Begin the training sequence with yourself
- Bodhicitta practice
- Give up hoping for results
- Delusion
- Honest examination
- The degree of self-clinging
- Morning pledge
- The impurity of our perception
- Using illness on the path
- Antidote to our ego-clinging
- Taking advantage of suffering
- All Dharma has a single goal
- Always be sustained by cheerfulness
- Signs of realization
- Failing to use the instructions as an antidote
- Anger is an illusion
- The three essential factors on which the accomplishment of the Dharma depends
- The vows of the Mind Training