Everything has the nature of being empty.
When the empty looks at the empty,
Who is there to look at something empty?
What is the use of many classifications,
Such as ‘being empty’ and ‘not empty’
As it is illusion looking at illusion,
And delusion watching delusion?
Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche
A Letter in Praise of Emptiness
from the book Natural Great Perfection: Dzogchen Teachings And Vajra Songs
source: http://www.nyingma.com/dzogchen2.htm
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book Natural Great Perfection:
- Look
- The very root of Dharma
- Tomorrow or your next existence
- Heart Advice
- Get out of the construction business
- Buddha Nature
- The three things that really tire us
- The mind of the Victorious Ones
- The whole point of the dharma
- Secret yogis
- The illusory nature of everything
- The three invaluables