Focusing on all sentient beings, practice the four boundless qualities: love, which is the wish that they be happy; compassion, the wish that they be free from suffering; sympathetic joy, which is to feel happy when they are happy; and impartiality, which is to treat them impartially as equals, without attachment or aversion.
Kangyur Rinpoche
from the book On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Kangyur Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book On the Path to Enlightenment:
- True compassion
- Detachment
- Our journey will have been useless
- Seeing the inner teacher
- Just as clouds
- You who have a precious human life
- Clarity and emptiness
- Whatever you do
- Free Perception
- Like gold hidden in its matrix
- Apply yourself unrelentingly to spiritual practice
- Right Time
- The alternation of thoughts
- Trample on anger with realization
- The only way to become buddha
- Only the fool wants more pain
- Cut the knot of greed
- The ultimate nature of mind
- See the difference