The dharmakaya is naturally arisen, the ultimate,
The sambhogakaya is all-pervading, bliss-emptiness unceasing;
Through the nirmanakaya pouring forth a rain of joy,
May auspiciousness in all its glory be present.
17th Karmapa
from the book Music In The Sky: The Life, Art, And Teachings Of The 17Th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje
translated by Michele Martin
Read a random quote or see all quotes by the 17th Karmapa.
Further quotes from the book Music In The Sky:
- Graduated path
- A Festival of the Field for Gathering Merit
- Pure heart
- Passing the day with a kind-hearted mind
- The depth of mind free of reference
- The Song of Natural Awareness
- Letting the Sun Shine
- Taking Our Problems and Sufferings as a Support for Our Practice
- Being of Benefit
- Diverting from our true purpose
- Progressing along our way
- Experiencing mental happiness
- Importance of Calm Abiding
- The Mind Is Like Space
- The Peaceful and Calming Victory Flag
- The Remedy Is Meditation
- Remaining in the depths of mind
- Equal nature
- The moon of bliss