Quote Archives: Mingyur Rinpoche

Just observing ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

A more constructive approach to negative emotions, similar to working with negative thoughts, is simply to rest your attention on the emotion itself rather than on its object. Just look at the emotion without analyzing it intellectually. Don’t try to hold on to it and don’t try to block it. Just observe it. When you […]

Beginning to identify with pristine awareness ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Though we’re conditioned to identify with the thoughts that pass through our awareness rather than with awareness itself, the awareness that is our true nature is infinitely flexible. It is capable of any and every sort of experience – even misconceptions about itself as limited, trapped, ugly, anxious, lonely, or afraid. When we begin to […]

You are discovering yourself ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

One day I asked my father, “When I get enlightened, will I be able to remember me? My old self?” It was not unusual for my father to laugh affectionately at my questions, but he found this one particularly hilarious. Then he explained that enlightenment is not like being possessed by a spirit. Tibetan culture […]

Becoming aware ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

If we were to become aware of our habitual thoughts, perceptions, and sensations, rather than being carried away by them, their power over us would begin to fade. Mingyur Rinpoche

Preventing conflicts ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

The more we allow ourselves to be guided by compassion – to pause for a moment and try to see where another person is coming from – the less likely we are to engage in conflict. Mingyur Rinpoche

Mind ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

There’s no difference between what is seen and the mind that sees it. Mingyur Rinpoche

Homesick ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

In a sense, we’re homesick for our true nature. Mingyur Rinpoche

The ability to adapt to changes ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Conditions are always changing, and real peace lies in the ability to adapt to this changes. Mingyur Rinpoche

The essence of meditation practice ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

The essence of meditation practice is to let go of all your expectations about meditation. Mingyur Rinpoche

Beginning to recognize your experiences as your own projections ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

What happens when you begin to recognize your experiences as your own projections? What happens when you begin to lose your fear of the people around you and conditions you used to dread? Well, from one point of view – nothing. From another point of view – everything. Mingyur Rinpoche

Realization ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Experience is always changing, like the movement of clouds against the sky. Realization – the stable awareness of the true nature of your mind – is like the sky itself, an unchanging background against which shifting experience occur. Mingyur Rinpoche

Distraction ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Use every distraction as an object of meditation and they cease to be distractions. Mingyur Rinpoche

The most effective approach to meditation ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

In very simple terms, the most effective approach to meditation is to try your best without focusing too much on the results. Mingyur Rinpoche

Losing confidence in oneself ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

When the underlying causes that produced and perpetuated an experience of happinesss change, most people end up blaming either external conditions or themselves. However, because it reflects a loss of confidence in oneself, or in the things we’re taught to believe should bring us happiness, blame only makes the search for happiness more difficult. Mingyur […]

Gaining control over your experience ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

To the extent that you can acknowledge the true power of your mind, you can begin to exercise more control over your experience. Pain, sadness, fear, anxiety, and all other forms of suffering no longer disrupt your life as forcefully as they used to. Experiences that once seemed to be obstacles become opportunities for deepening […]

Never disturbed ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Even though thoughts and emotions come and go, the mind’s natural clarity is never disturbed or interrupted. Mingyur Rinpoche

Awareness and apprehended objects ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Just as space isn’t defined by the objects that move through it, awareness isn’t defined by what it apprehends. Mingyur Rinpoche

The possibilities within us ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Of course, developing loving-kindness and compassion toward those we know already isn’t so hard after a bit of practice. It’s a little bit more of a stretch to extend the same sense of warmth and relatedness toward those we don’t know, and in many cases, can’t even possibly know. As we hear about tragedies around […]

Clarity ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

Clarity is always functioning even when we’re not consciously attentive to it. Mingyur Rinpoche

The absolute ~ Mingyur Rinpoche

The absolute can only be comprehended through experience. Mingyur Rinpoche