As human beings we are as impermanent as everything else is. Every cell in the body is continuously changing. Thoughts and emotions rise and fall away unceasingly. When we’re thinking that we’re competent or that we’re hopeless – what are we basing it on? On this fleeting moment? On yesterday’s success or failure? We cling to a fixed idea of who we are and it cripples us. Nothing and no one is fixed.

Pema Chödron
from the book The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times
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Further quotes from the book The Places That Scare You:
- Our true nature and condition
- Whatever we encounter
- Being inspired by everyday good fortune
- The queasy feeling of being in the middle of nowhere
- The anxiety of opening
- Everyday uncertainty
- Cultivating equanimity
- Happiness
- Life preferences
- The root of happiness
- Awakening our unlimited potential
- Dissolving our self-importance
- Dissolving our fear
- At least until you die
- The first mark of existence
- Being in the middle of nowhere
- A flexible identity
- Our Shared Humanity
- Idiot Compassion