A sailor should cross the ocean if he has a boat; a general should defeat the enemy if he has an army; a poor man should milk the ‟cow of plenty” if it is within his reach; a traveler who wants to go to distant lands should pursue his journey if he has an excellent horse. As for you, who have a precious human life for the moment and have received instructions from a spiritual master, the embodiment of all the buddhas of the three times, think with joy and enthusiasm of traveling the great path of the supreme Dharma and getting ever closer to the ultimate goal: enlightenment and liberation.

quoted in the book On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters
source: http://www.matthieuricard.org/en/thoughts/01
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Further quotes from the book On the Path to Enlightenment:
- The enemies dwelling in your mind
- To end suffering
- Ever-present Buddha-Nature
- True compassion
- Detachment
- Our journey will have been useless
- Seeing the inner teacher
- Just as clouds
- Clarity and emptiness
- Whatever you do
- Free Perception
- Like gold hidden in its matrix
- Apply yourself unrelentingly to spiritual practice
- Right Time
- The alternation of thoughts
- Trample on anger with realization
- The only way to become buddha
- Only the fool wants more pain
- Cut the knot of greed