There is a simple practice we can do to cultivate forgiveness. First we acknowledge what we feel — shame, revenge, embarrassment, remorse. Then we forgive ourselves for being human. Then, in the spirit of not wallowing in the pain, we let go and make a fresh start. We don’t have to carry the burden with us anymore. We will discover forgiveness as a natural expression of the open heart, an expression of our basic goodness. This potential is inherent in every moment. Each moment is an opportunity to make a fresh start.

Pema Chödron
from the book The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times
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Further quotes from the book The Places That Scare You:
- Everyday uncertainty
- Cultivating equanimity
- Happiness
- Life preferences
- The root of happiness
- Awakening our unlimited potential
- Dissolving our self-importance
- Dissolving our fear
- At least until you die
- The first mark of existence
- Being in the middle of nowhere
- A flexible identity
- Our Shared Humanity
- Idiot Compassion
- Cultivating equanimity
- Compassion takes courage
- Abiding in openness
- The essence of generosity
- Doing all with one intention
- Threefold purity