I know all the details of karma, but I do not really believe in it.
I have heard a lot of Dharma, but never put it into practice.
Bless me and evil-doers like me
That our minds may mingle with the Dharma.
Patrul Rinpoche
from the book
translated by Padmakara Translation Group
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Further quotes from the book Words of My Perfect Teacher :
- Motivated by ordinary concerns
- Arousing Bodhicitta
- Diligence
- At your feet I bow
- Actions arising from anger
- Discovering Dharma
- Compassion
- Peerless Teacher, at your feet I bow
- The Six Paramitas
- Impermanence is everywhere
- May we realize the natural state
- Bright moon
- Aspiration for renunciation
- The result of learning, contemplation, and meditation
- The Three Defects when listening to the Dharma
- Even the smallest amounts of merit
- No Life Guarantee
- Remembering impermanence
- The need to follow a spiritual teacher