The root of all happiness is the mind; the root of all suffering is the mind. The root of all afflictions and the root of all faith, devotion, love and compassion come down to the mind. If we know the nature of our mind, we can make use of the great treasure and eventually gain perfect happiness and the ultimate result of liberation and omniscience.

Thrangu Rinpoche
from the book Advice from a Yogi: An Explanation of a Tibetan Classic on What Is Most Important
translated by Thrangu Dharmakara Translation Collab
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Thrangu Rinpoche.
Further quotes from the book Advice from a Yogi:
- Practice Dharma right now
- Since everything comes down to mind
- Free of fixation
- Dharmata
- The importance of a pure motivation
- Clarity inseparable from emptiness
- Samadhi
- Diligent with our body, speech, and mind
- Get along in your family
- We need to make our preparations now
- The need to rouse our diligence