All too often, though, even so-called Buddhists misunderstand bodhichitta and reduce it to little more than compassionate loving-kindness. Love, compassion and wanting to make people happy are very popular ideals these days and are often promoted as bodhichitta’s most important features. We forget that without bodhichitta there would be no mahayana or vajrayana Buddhism, and that the most crucial aspect of both these yanas is the wisdom of understanding shunyata (emptiness). Without wisdom, compassion alone is not “bodhichitta,” and vice versa; both qualities are essential.
Read a random quote or see all quotes by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.Further quotes from the book Not for Happiness:
- It cannot be fixed
- Very little time left for practice
- We must also practice it
- Without the personal advice of Buddha
- Everything we experience is a product of mind
- For the sake of all other beings
- Dawn of wisdom
- Spiritual practice is like riding a bicycle
- Practise whichever method works for you
- Our most important companion
- The merit of maintaining mindfulness
- Right intention
- Wealth is contentment
- Obstacles Create Fertile Ground for Practice
- To reject your aggression is a weakness
- Where does low self-esteem come from
- Adapting the Dharma
- Dealing with Emotions
- As they truly are