Quote Archives: Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Cutting the root of basic confusion ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

In order to cut the root of basic confusion, one should rest in the natural state without altering it. Once one is resting in the genuine natural state, one should neither follow one’s thoughts nor search for an antidote for them. If the intrinsic nature is left in its natural state, as it is said, […]

Complete absence of doubt ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Within our own buddha nature we naturally have all the qualities of nirvana, so we do not need to look for them and take possession of them outside. Neither do we need to get rid of anything, because the obscurations that are temporarily veiling our realization of the absolute nature are not inherent to that […]

The importance of relative bodhicitta ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the ‘gradual path’ teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced ‘direct path’ teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding. Only if you […]

At the time of death ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

So if you waste your life now on endless minor tasks, you can be sure that at the time of death you will weep with regret and be stricken with intense anxiety, like a thief who has just been thrown into jail and anxiously anticipates his punishment. A person might find himself with nothing to […]

Neither discouragement nor pride ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

For a bodhisattva who has realized emptiness, the number of beings to be liberated and the time it might take to liberate them arouse feelings neither of discouragement nor of pride. Dawning freely in your enlightened mind is an all-inclusive compassion, devoid of all concepts of subject and object. Having realized the sameness of self […]

Honest examination ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Milarepa said: ‘My religion is to have nothing to be ashamed of when I die.’ But the majority of people do not give any importance to this way of thinking. We pretend to be very calm and subdued and are full of sweet words, so that ordinary people, not knowing our thoughts, say, ‘This is […]

Spontaneous devotion to your teacher ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

If you have great devotion, seeing the teacher as the Buddha himself, and maintain a lofty inner view while keeping your external conduct completely down to earth, all the qualities of experience and realization will grow effortlessly. Experiences and realization in fact come through the spontaneous devotion you have to your teacher, so when they […]

Not fabricated, never stained ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

The self-arisen wisdom, which is also called bodhichitta, is not something that has been fabricated, a new product created by the conjunction of causes and conditions. It never has changed, never changes, and never will change. The absolute nature remains what it is, perfectly pure, at all times. Even if it appears obscured for impure […]

Emptiness and the law of cause and effect ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

If you merely talk about the view of emptiness but at the same time behave inconsiderately, it is said that your conduct has become lost in the view. If you believe that, since everything is empty by nature, it is all right to do whatever you want and it makes no difference whether your actions […]

Just as space ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Just as space can accommodate the whole universe – the mountains, continents, and so forth – the nature of the mind is so vast that it can accommodate the whole of phenomena. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Guidance of a qualified teacher ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

To progress, we need the constant guidance of a qualified teacher. As we report to him the progress of our meditation and describe our experiences, he may say, “You should relax more,” or on the contrary, “Be more vigilant.” It is important at this time to rely upon a teacher’s instructions. When the great Gampopa […]

Giving and taking ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Sometimes, visualize that your heart is a brilliant ball of light. As you breathe out, it radiates rays of white light in all directions, carrying your happiness to all beings. As you breathe in, their suffering, negativity and afflictions come towards you in the form of dense, black light, which is absorbed in your heart […]

Like an eagle soaring up into the blue sky ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Even if death were to strike you today like lighting, you must be ready to die without sadness or regret, without any residue of clinging to what is left behind. Remaining in the recognition of the view, you should leave this life like an eagle soaring up into the blue sky. When the eagle takes […]

No modification ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

When you travel in an airplane, you can see all sorts of landscapes below — lakes, mountains, lush forests, deserts, cold and warm places. Likewise, during meditation, experiences of all kinds pass before your mind’s eye. At that time, the most important thing is to avoid any kind of clinging. Don’t proudly think that these […]

Like two expressions on the same face ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Samsara and nirvana are like two expressions on the same face, one dark and sullen, the other light and smiling. But, whatever the expression, we are not talking about a different face. It is not degraded when smeared with the dirt of samsara, neither is it improved when the dirt of samsara is washed off. […]

Free from the extreme of existence and that of nonexistence ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

This empty nature, the lack of intrinsic existence in phenomena, does not imply a blank naught in which there is nothing at all, as we find in the view of the nihilists. According to relative truth, all phenomena arise as a result of the interdependent conjunction of causes and conditions. This enables us to explain […]

The three aspects of diligence ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Diligence has three aspects. The first, called armor-like diligence, is to develop a joyous courage and fortitude which you wear like armor against discouragement. The second is diligence in action, which is to set about accumulating merit through the practice of the six paramitas without delay or procrastination. The third is diligence that cannot be […]

The shadow of our actions ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

We were born alone and we will die alone. Yet even while alone we still have our shadow with us; and alone after death, our consciousness will still have with it the shadow of our actions, good and bad. By the time we are just about to enter the bardo, the intermediate state between death […]

The spear of mindfulness ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Alas for people in this age of residues! The mind’s wholesome core of truth has withered, and people live deceitfully, So their thoughts are warped, their speech is twisted, They cunningly mislead others—who can trust them? In the golden age, the age of perfection, there was no need for sunlight or moonlight, for beings radiated […]