Look constantly into the mirror of your mind ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

All difficulties come from not thinking of others. Whatever you are doing, look constantly into the mirror of your mind and check whether your motive is for yourself or for others. Gradually you will develop the ability to master your mind in all circumstances; and by following in the footsteps of the accomplished masters of the past, you will gain enlightenment in a single lifetime. A good mind is like a rich ground of gleaming gold, lighting up the whole sky with its golden radiance. But if body, speech, and mind are not tamed, there is very little chance that you will achieve any realization whatsoever. Be aware of your thoughts, words, and actions at all times. If they take the wrong direction, your study and practice of the Dharma will be of no use.

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

from the book The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones

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